Psycho Rae's Blog

Swim team was difficult tonight. We did Tennessee turns (start at flags, stay under water untill back at flags.) A lot of sprints, and even had to do whole 25’s under water. I thought I was going to faint. I like coach Leo but I hope we don’t have him again for awhile.

Today on the bus home, Karis and Meghan were arguing. I didn’t catch most of it but they said my name a couple of times. They were talking about how many friends they had. Meghan said she only had Karis and me. I think that is pretty much true. Even me and Karis don’t like her sometimes.

I grounded today because I couldn’t find my keys. I, surprisingly find this fair. If daddy could find it I can to. I just didn’t think of looking in that pocket. It’s like I totally forgot there was even a pocket there.

It is like Meghan doesn’t even like kit. She keeps on telling me, $50 and you have kit. The thing is I already have a kit. She is just smaller. I think it is weird to have 2 of the same thing. I think Meghan only cares about the money. And she keeps on saying that I will never get a better deal. Maybe it is a trick. Maybe she won’t give me kit or change her mind. And it is my money I am spending. She is like begging me to take kit even though I always say NO!! I am just not going to do it.

Today in music we sang “Seasons of Love.” It is so weird because I had that song stuck in my head the day before. Sometimes in music I wish in couldn’t hear them. They pretty much totally ruin the song. Mrs. Poppadopolis tells everyone to sing and all I do is drop the music under my seat and sit there miserably waiting for the song to be over. She doesn’t even know how to sing. She always picks deep, low voiced songs. Yet she only knows how to sing in high-pitched voices.

Everyday Mrs. Mckenna says, “That is inopropriate”, a lot. Well today I wispered, “everything is inopropriate to you, so we are going to do whatever we want”. Well that got quite a few laughs. And today she took away 4 minutes of our activity. We never even have 5 minutes of activity.

Even B. is really nice. We have good discussions over food. Today I helped him study his states on the playground map. I named a state and he found it and wrote its name on it with chalk. Most of the time he got it right. He didn’t know where Ohio or Tennessee was so I helped him. We were almost late to get back inside. Then we helped each other with math on the computer. Everybody thinks he is weird. I tell them if they actually new him they would find him cool. I am more willing to speak with him than pretty much any one else. Not even Meghan.

Today we did the fish bowl strategy and I totally hated it. People asked me why I didn’t speak. I said I didn’t have any time to start speaking. I am not the only people who didn’t speak. And people who had already gone kept coming back in. Pacey said stuff like a thousand times.

Copernicus is my dog.  His big farts smell b ad.  My dogs fur is white, brown, and black.  He likes to eat human food like in fables.  My dog has big skiny and fat ears.  We usually call him booger.  When he was a baby my parents told me his ears were too big.  Every time he got  to another step he tripped .  Copermicus has brown eyes and I can pick him up with just one hand and he is pretty old for his type of dog.  He is ten years old.  He also has a black nose.  Right now he is wearing a red collar.  Copernicus has black paws.  Once h got stuck with them . Once we had to cut his nails, but I was not there to see them cu them because I think I was a baby when that happened.I am so glad he is my dog.

On the first day of school Chester was nervous.  He did not need a lunch because he was buying lunch at school. 

“Are you ready to go?” asked his mother.

“Yes” said Chester.

So he was on his way in his mothers new green car.  GRRRR! Chchch!  It was a very bumpy ride.  The school that Chester was going to was named “Jeferny.”  It was a very hard name to remember.  The schools mascot was pizza.  It made me hungry.  When they got there Chester found a new friend.  So when they got in his classroom, they learned lots of new stuff, like Sand, Humus, and red clay are soil. 

“Just so you know, class.  My name is Miss Clone.” said the teacher.

At the end of the day, it was time to go home.  Chester and his friend got ready to go home.  At home Chester told his mother what he learned today.  Then he got in his pajama’s and went to bed. 

The next morning Chester was already to see his friend but Chester friend was not there.  His friend was ill for a few weeks.  So that took away all the fun but finally he was back at school.  So they had so much fun for the rest of the school year.

It was my first day of brownie girls scouts.  I made a brownie girls scout paper doll.  Daddie was talking to girls scout leaders.  We went to WaWa to get dinner before girl scouts.  We went to the play ground.  I went swimming at the Boys and Girls Club.  I had another greatday at school.  Now it is time to go to bed.

my bithday party was the best that I am going to tell you about it. 

The best thing was the pool of ball beucase we did cannon ball’s



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